SSA #26 Commission Meetings are open to the public and held at Edgewater Chamber of Commerce's office, 1210 W Rosedale. All meetings at 3pm on Wednesday unless otherwise noted. Agendas are posted approximately 48-72 hours before each meeting.
Please email us at to let us know you plan to attend.
SSA #26 is a special taxing district that has been established on Broadway from Foster to Devon and Devon from Broadway to Glenwood. Started in 2003, this is an economic development initiative paid for by a tax levied on the commercial properties that are located within the boundaries of the designated area. A Board of Commissioners determines how to invest the funds each year. Edgewater Chamber of Commerce is the Sole Service Provider for SSA #26.
Wednesday Oct 29, 2025
3:00 PM - 4:30 PM CDT
Printed courtesy of – Contact the Edgewater Chamber of Commerce for more information.
1210 W. Rosedale Ave., Chicago, Illinois 60660 – 773-561-6000 –